Such an illusion! *rolls eyes* But, sadly, in order to play Monopoly, you have to play along with the pretend money. Like it or not, we need a few green floppy papers with ugly faces to trade for things we don't yet produce for ourselves. It has become a new challenge of mine to not only earn a little more, but to spend (and waste) a lot less. After all, if one can save $300 a month, isn't that like getting a $300 raise?
Also, during my time of silence I have been thinking about my post a couple spots back about how I was going to make some money with my blog. I found my solution! :)
Drum roll.........
I am going to begin writing a Magazine! :D *party and fanfare noise*
). And also available to order in print for a larger fee (doesn't save trees :( boo). I have not decided completely what I will allow for advertising in the magazine. On the one hand, it would be nice to make a bit more money, but on the other hand, I don't want to promote something I don't absolutely believe in. One thing for sure is I want my magazine to contain useful and interesting information, not a bunch of fluffy ads promoting plastic poisonous crap made on the other side of the planet! I can promise right now that if you see something I promote or recommend, it is something I use myself. I'm super excited and can't wait to get started! So keep your eyes open for the first issue of Qwatra Magazine!