Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Homegrown Revolution

This is what we all need to be doing, right in our own back yards, right now. The term "Victory Garden" is back. I think it applies now more than ever. After watching this video, visit YouTube for more just like it. There is a gardening revolution sweeping the nation, and I'm proud to be part of it!!

http://pathtofreedom.com/ <--Visit their website!! EXCELLENT!!

Monday, July 7, 2008

A Rainbow of Eggs

I found this on BackYardChickens.com
Who knew there were so many color possibilities among chickens! Since I have a Maran rooster (now living with a friend in the country, more on that later) and Ameraucana hen, maybe I can breed some gray, or maybe green layers.

Clockwise, starting with the white:
1. Leghorn
2. Light brown layer, like Barred Rock
3. Medium brown layer, like Rhode Island Red
4. Marans
5. Cross between 4 and 8
6. Cross between 3 and 8
7. Cross between 2 and 8 (typical Easter egger)
8. Ameraucana or Araucana