Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Pickin' up Paw-Paws....

After reading about the American Paw-Paw several years ago, I decided I would just HAVE to grow some, seeing as it's a Mississippi Native!  It's a beautiful tropical-looking undergrowth tree, prefering to grow in the shade of larger trees.
The fruit kinda looks like a mango, but is reported to taste like vanilla- banana custard. I can't wait to try one, because that sounds delicious!
Here's a few webpages with pictures and some good info about the Pawpaw.

Woah! Pawpaw as a treatment for cancer?!
well THAT settles it! Pawpaw is DEFINITELY going in the garden!

And check out this cool article on the connection of the PawPaw and the Zebra Swallowtail Butterfly:
Another good reason to plant PawPaw! It's the only food source of this amazingly beautiful butterfly! (and an amazingly beautiful image too!--> )