I just made an exciting discovery! I looked at my blog's stats for the first time and saw that my blog is quite popular! I had NO idea! 37,335 views and counting! 41 views just today! Wow! Thank you everyone! :D
So what brought me here today was that I have been thinking. ...

1. I need to make money. Don't we all, right? I don't want to make money the old fashioned way- by selling something no one wants or needs. -A plastic trinket,... a pyramid scheme,... a gadget that will break next week, ... blech! We all get enough of that! I want to provide something of real value and benefit to the person that chooses to invest in me.
2. I want to do something I LOVE to do. That was the thought that brought me to my blog today. I was talking about this very subject and I said, "you know, I really love writing articles for my blog."
So when I logged in to Blogger's home page, they had the stats displayed... almost like it was Fate trying to tell me something. One should always listen when Fate speaks, so... I'm listening!

I feel as if I have been sitting on a golden egg for all this time and that egg is about to hatch.
Now I can think of a dozen ways to provide things of value for you my readers. But I would love to hear your input too. So far I am thinking of more book suggestions on gardening and sustainability, referrals to suppliers or products that I recommend. (Such as
Provent-a-Mite spray for reptile mites!)
It has been suggested that I make my blog available by subscription, but I am not sure I want to do that. I like the free knowledge that I share here and I really want to keep it that way.
If I can use this blog to make money, then I can spend a whole lot more time devoted to articles on herbs, wildlife, sustainability ideas, pets, homesteading, oh I am so excited! :D This is truly what I love to do! Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated. What do YOU want me to write about?
I will be putting a lot of thought into this new concept! Thank you everyone for giving me this great gift!