Monday, September 10, 2012

Split Personality

I have decided to split my personality so to speak... My original blog here will contain all the garden, homesteading, and sustainability stuff, plus occasional mentions of my critter corners which will be split off into 4 sub-blogs. Reptiles here:, plus my other critters as soon as I can get those going -- someday soon I hope!  :)  So for those of you who follow my snake posts, now they are all together without the hike through my garden!!  ;)

Baby Dragons! :)

I recently saw dragonfruit at a local grocery so I decided to see if I could grow a few myself. I did a bit of research to see how others had done it and decided the paper towel method seemed to be the easiest way, not to mention the most fun as you get to watch the seeds sprout!  :0)

To gather my seeds, I simply scraped a few off the top of my fruit as I was eating it. After I finished eating (yum!) I rinsed the seeds a few times through some cool water and then left them overnight to soak some of the pulp off.
To my surprise, the following morning, some of the seeds had already begun to sprout!  So I spread them over a paper towel and put them in a clear plastic container -one of those you get lettuce mix in from the grocery.... and snapped on the lid to keep in the moisture.

In just 4 days, many were fully sprouted tiny green seedlings.  They have not changed a whole lot since then, (its been 18 days) but I will get them into a flat in the next day or two. Then they should take off and start growing! :)   I'll post more about my baby dragons again soon!