Friday, May 16, 2014


Qwatra Gardens is proud to host our grand opening seminar, 
       GET REAL!
We are located about 12 miles west of Stsrkville, MS.  (Send an email to delilahra at gmail for directions)
Absolutely FREE to the public with NO STRINGS attached whatsoever! 
I am selling NOTHING! I simply want to share what I have learned with the world.

There is a food crisis. 
It is happening right now, in your own home town, right in your very own neighborhood grocery store. 
The problem?
There is no food.
Oh there are plenty of things that look like food; lots of pretty packages and painted boxes with pictures of food on the label, lots of "fresh" produce that looks like pretty, ripe food and  lots of "meat" products that taste great! But the truth is, once your eyes are opened and you really see beyond the lies, you begin to understand how dire the situation really is. The reality is that no one should EVER eat ANYTHING that comes out of a grocery store, ever! There is absolutely nothing untouched. Every bit of it is modified, sprayed, treated, hybridized, processed, fortified, pasteurized, sterilized, preserved, or so flooded with starch, sugar, and MSG that NONE of it is worth eating! 
The ONLY affordable solution is to grow REAL food, preserve it, and prepare it yourself. 
I know how monumental that leap seems to be. I was there. I had no choice. I HAD to make a radical lifestyle change or I was  going to die. Celiac disease, caused by GMO wheat and corn and massive quantities of glyphosate, i.e. Roundup among other things,  slowly destroyed my digestive system. It became so bad that almost any food of any kind, healthy or not, would make me sick. I was becoming malnourished and my kidneys and liver were beginning to break down. Doctors just called it "irritable bowel syndrome" and "chronic fatigue". There was no cure, they said. I just had to live with it. 
Well, there is a cure!

 The only cure, the only solution, the only card we have to play is to STOP EATING IT!!  ALL of it! So my hubby packed me up and we moved to Mississippi, back to the farm where I grew up. 
It is our goal to stop the insanity. 
People, WE are the ones to blame for the mess we are in, because WE are the ones who give power to those who poison us. Because 
Want to stop Monsanto?
Don't buy their produce!
Want to stop big Pharma?
Don't buy their medicine!
Want to stop the plastic waste in landfills?
Don't buy plastic containers, plastic toys, disposable plastic gadgets and gizmos. 
Want to stop Them?
Come join us at Qwatra Gardens and begin your path to total freedom, while at the same time strangling the mass pharma-food industry. 
Join us for our first public seminar,         May 24, from 10 till 2
We will discuss every stage of your escape to total health freedom. 
1. Understanding the illusion
2. Understanding the difference between clean dirt, and filthy sterility
3. Grow all your own food- even in a tiny space
4. Preserve for winter and disaster
5. Simple REAL meals made from scratch that BEAT instant for quick, easy, and FLAVOR!!! 



See ya there! :)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The New Victory Garden

The Victory Garden was a movement during WWI and WWII to encourage citizens to grow their own food to ease the strain on the economy to aid the war effort. Ladies and Gentleman, there is a new war; a war against an enemy that has every intension of taking over the world. One way they intend to do this is to gain control of our food supply through companies like Monsanto. They feed us what basically amounts to cheap dog food, which then makes us malnourished, which then makes us sick. Then another branch of the world parasitic ruling elite sells us all kinds of medicines and treatments to further their riches and fund their agenda at our misery and expense. 
People of Earth,
Plant your Victory Garden! 
Now more than ever, becoming self sufficient is the way to best fight the system that wants to dominate and enslave us. Grow your own food, free from preservatives, dyes, sweeteners, flavor enhancers, pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers. Take your life back!!! Plant a Victory Garden!