This is it! Qwatra is coming to life! I have spent the last 20 years on the move with my hubby as he served his country in the US Air Force. Now it is time to put down some roots and build our own little world. The world of Qwatra! At the end of July we will be moving back home to Spokane, Washington! At first I will begin Qwatra in my own backyard, growing a big garden and setting up my breeding birds and a koi pond. But in all honesty, My goal is much bigger!
This has always been my dream..... always? hmmm.... Well, ok that's a lie! ;)
I grew up on a small farm in Mississippi, and I HATED working in the hot muggy sun-beaten garden, getting pricked by plants, bugged by bugs, stung by wasps and ants. When I left home with my new husband for a life of adventure, vowing never to spend a moment in a garden ever again, little did I know that what I once hated, I would grow to adore with a passion! As the years went by, I longed for the fresh taste of a sun-ripened tomato, the crisp, green flavor of fresh-picked lettuce. To my astonishment, I missed the smell of the earth, the buzz of the bees, and the rewarding satisfaction of holding in my hand a basket full of food I have grown myself
The green garden is just one facet of life on the farm. Over the years we also had chickens, rabbits, cows, ... One of my favorite memories of childhood is going to the hen-house to collect eggs. Growing up in the country gave me a lifelong love of wildlife and the wonderful diversity of nature. As kids we kept all kinds of "pets" from snakes, lizards, frogs, and turtles, to an occasional wild songbird who never seemed to be happy in captivity, so after a few days, I never had the heart to keep it confined. We had several ponds and streams to play in, and we frequently caught tadpoles, minnows, tiny catfish and other fingerling game fish to bring home and watch in a big washtub until finally Mom bought us an aquarium. (Of course we caught a lot of other fish that were eating size!) We grew up in nature. We hunted and fished and cut fire wood. We canned, dried, pickled and preserved the harvest. Though days were long and life was hard at times growing up on a farm, I would not trade it for the world! I am so wholly and completely grateful for the opportunity to experience the joys and trials of farm life as a child!
And NOW...
I want to give back to the world what nature has given me!
Qwatra is my Garden of Eden. It is my passion and goal to bring all the elements of creation alive in this beautiful place I call home. I want to share in the love and joy of nature, share its knowledge of complete health and healing medicine, share its bounty and abundance with others, and share the beauty with all who pass my way!
With heartfelt joy I say,
Welcome to Qwatra Gardens!