Monday, March 20, 2017

New Name! Big Changes!

Yes, you're in the right place, but it's time for a change!
Our name is from two Cherokee words, Hawa, meaning "Welcome", and Awanasa, meaning "My Home" So our little homestead name means "Welcome to My Home."  And that's just what this blog has always been about. Homesteading! Home grown food and medicine, home canned and preserved food for winter and hard times, sustainability to protect your home for always.
I will also be adding my heartfelt spiritual side to the blog. No religion, as I rather detest what modern religion has done to true WORTHship. As I bring in my Life Coaching facets into the mix, look for uplifting messages, posts on simplifying,  reducing waste, getting back to nature, reducing the clutter in our physical and spiritual lives. It is all connected!  :0)
My home to your home! 
Welcome to Hawanasa! :)

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